Queuing for the Queen

One queue. 250,000 people. Twenty-four life-changing hours.

A young boy wearing a cereal box crown, impatiently dragging his mother behind him.

A friendly man in a khaki raincoat, talking about his beloved Leeds United to anyone who will listen.

An elderly woman who has lived her life alongside the Queen, and is just hoping she’ll make it to the end of the queue to say goodbye.

And among them, a British Indian mother and daughter, driven apart by their differences, embarking on a pilgrimage which neither of them yet know will change their lives forever.

Full of secrets and surprises, this uplifting novel celebrates not only the remarkable woman who defined an era and a country, but also the diverse and unique people she served for so long.

About me

I was born into a Gujarati family in Birmingham, and now live in south east London. I studied philosophy and theology at Oxford, and publishing at UCL. I love books, movies, TV, and video games. I communicate largely in Simpsons references and Final Fantasy quotes.

By day I’m a website manager for membership organisation; by night I’m seeing friends and family, learning Hindi, volunteering for a mental health charity, singing in a chamber choir – and, of course, writing.

I have extensive experience writing film reviews and articles on Indian culture. Queuing for the Queen is my first novel.

Other writing

I write reviews for all the bad movies my best friend and I watch at The Bad Movie Database.

I also write blogs for my chamber choir, Vivamus.